
My name is Carrie.   I’m a Canadian who seems to be making a career of teaching in various locations around the world.  So far I’ve lived in Japan, Korea, France, Germany, and England.  At the moment, I’m back in Canada doing a Master’s but I continue to travel every chance I get!    For those of you who are interested, I’ll be posting my adventures here!

Living in a foreign country can be difficult but I will try to keep my blog posts upbeat and positive.  I’d like to focus on the many, many wonderful things Korea has to offer.  It is an amazing country and doesn’t get nearly as many tourists as it should!

Due to my ineptitude with computers, I have two blogs, this one and whoneedsaparachute.wordpress.com  They are both the exact same thing.  I’m just an idiot. 😀

You can also follow me on Twitter: kimchigirl72

p.s.  This is an enormous bag of kimchi, not a severed head. 🙂

20 Responses to About

  1. Ammarah says:

    Dear carrier, I am impressed by the way you are surviving among the chaos. I can feel the empathy as I have just moved to Kuwait with my kids here. They miss every thing of Canada, every inch and every corner of their city. Even though my husband is doing a job in a purely British company which provides us so many of facilities but life in Canada can not be compensated anywhere in the world.
    I wish you the very best for the year and many blessings for the time that you spend there in Korea.

    • Carrie K says:

      Hi Ammarah!!!

      Good luck in Kuwait!!! I can’t wait to hear about your adventures! I’m sure your kids will grow to love it there and they’ll complain when they have to go back to Canada! 🙂


  2. Carrie –

    I love your sense of humor and you’re a wonderful writer! Love your blog!


  3. Megan says:

    Carrie, just discovered your blog and am enjoying it immensely. Funny, well written and insightful. In fact, I intended to quote some of your musings in my post grad paper on second language acquisition, thanks for the resource! I will now go back to the beginning and read all your posts!
    🙂 Megan

  4. Hi Carrie, thanks for stopping by my blog http://reflectionsofchina.wordpress.com/ and for the likes, they are appreciated:)….I’m loving your blog, keep up the good work. Cheers Mark

  5. Carrie! Thanks for the follow. We love your blog. We have a techie question even though you aren’t techie as you say…but your header pictures keep changing and I love it. I want to do it! Can you tell me how you did that for yours?
    Thanks so much!!!!

    • Carrie K says:

      Thanks! Yours is fabulous too!! 😀
      Go to appearance on the sidebar thingy. And under headers there’s an option to upload your own pictures right? Then once you’ve uploaded a few pictures another option appears saying something about using a specific picture as a header or using all the pictures randomly. Does that make sense? It might be a feature of my theme though…. I don’t know….. hopefully that helps! 😀

  6. Hello! I have so many questions about teaching English in various locations. But I am too sleepy to ask. Mainly, please let us all know how to do it, so we can too!
    Nice to virtually meet you. Love you funny posts (the penis one especially), looking forward to reading more.

  7. Starfruit says:

    In a past life I studied to teach English abroad as well. Let’s just say fate had other plans for me but I still have a bit of a yearning for it every now and then. I’m glad I found your blog Carrie, LUV your sense of humor =) I’ll be a frequent visitor to get my fill.

  8. tefljobs4u says:

    Hi Carrie

    I simply love your blogs they are just brilliant, please feel free to contact me. Our new blog/news feature is open for all. TEFLjobs4u would like to welcome new and experienced writers to share their news or teaching experiences from around the world. We too at TEFLjobs4u will be submitting TEFL news, and will be open to you all for your comments.

    Please get in touch – we would love to hear from you. info@tefljobs4u.com

  9. Hubert says:

    Hello Carrie!

    I have really enjoyed reading through your blog. You have some quality content here and some very interesting adventures definitely worth sharing with more and more people.

    I am looking for passionate writers to join our community of bloggers and I was wondering whether you would consider sharing your posts on Glipho and become a member?

    It might be a good idea to give your writing and your blog more exposure while having fun and meeting fellow writers.

    Please check us out at glipho.com and give me a shout at hubert@glipho.com for any questions.


  10. Hi there, Carrie-teacher:
    I have nominated your blog for a bunch of awards 🙂 I said it before, your blog is hilarious. Here is the link: http://observations-of-a-canary.com/2013/08/25/ooops-he-did-it-again/ …in case you are interested in accepting them. Have a great day in Japan (?) ! The Canary

  11. Hello Carrie,

    My name is Kristine Ibanez, a Content Administrator of GoAbroad.com., an online directory for meaningful travel experiences. I see from your blog that you have extensive experience in teaching abroad. GoAbroad.com is currently seeking South Korea Teach Abroad expert interviews for our site. I would love to interview you on XXX to enhance the information available to our users and feature your expert knowledge.

    The interview would be via email so you can take as long as you need to answer the questions and reply. Please let me know if you would be open to answering some questions for me and if you can send me your email address i would greatly appreciate it. The interview will include a link to your blog or organization. GoAbroad.com averages approximately one million visitors per month.

    Thanks for your time, we look forward to hearing from you.


    Kristine Ibanez
    Content Team
    GoAbroad — The Resource for Meaningful Travel

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